
bootstrapPage(..., title = NULL, responsive = TRUE, theme = NULL)


... The contents of the document body.
title The browser window title (defaults to the host URL of the page)
responsive TRUE to use responsive layout (automatically adapt and resize page elements based on the size of the viewing device)
theme Alternative Bootstrap stylesheet (normally a css file within the www directory, e.g. www/bootstrap.css)

Create a Bootstrap page


A UI defintion that can be passed to the shinyUI function.


Create a Shiny UI page that loads the CSS and JavaScript for Bootstrap, and has no content in the page body (other than what you provide).


This function is primarily intended for users who are proficient in HTML/CSS, and know how to lay out pages in Bootstrap. Most applications should use fluidPage along with layout functions like fluidRow and sidebarLayout.


The basicPage function is deprecated, you should use the fluidPage function instead.

See also

fluidPage, fixedPage