
bookmarkButton(label = "Bookmark...", icon = shiny::icon("link", lib =
  title = "Bookmark this application's state and get a URL for sharing.",
  ..., id = "._bookmark_")


label The contents of the button or link--usually a text label, but you could also use any other HTML, like an image.
icon An optional icon to appear on the button.
title A tooltip that is shown when the mouse cursor hovers over the button.
... Named attributes to be applied to the button or link.
id An ID for the bookmark button. The only time it is necessary to set the ID unless you have more than one bookmark button in your application. If you specify an input ID, it should be excluded from bookmarking with setBookmarkExclude, and you must create an observer that does the bookmarking when the button is pressed. See the examples below.


A bookmarkButton is a actionButton with a default label that consists of a link icon and the text "Bookmark...". It is meant to be used for bookmarking state.


## Only run these examples in interactive sessions if (interactive()) { # This example shows how to use multiple bookmark buttons. If you only need # a single bookmark button, see examples in ?enableBookmarking. ui <- function(request) { fluidPage( tabsetPanel(id = "tabs", tabPanel("One", checkboxInput("chk1", "Checkbox 1"), bookmarkButton(id = "bookmark1") ), tabPanel("Two", checkboxInput("chk2", "Checkbox 2"), bookmarkButton(id = "bookmark2") ) ) ) } server <- function(input, output, session) { # Need to exclude the buttons from themselves being bookmarked setBookmarkExclude(c("bookmark1", "bookmark2")) # Trigger bookmarking with either button observeEvent(input$bookmark1, { session$doBookmark() }) observeEvent(input$bookmark2, { session$doBookmark() }) } enableBookmarking(store = "url") shinyApp(ui, server) }

See also

enableBookmarking for more examples.